

UA Ruhr Events

03. 03. 2021

Germany Grad Fair 2021

March 26, 2021 | 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm (EST) | Virtual Event


Study in Germany!

With hundreds of respected universities to choose from as well as its location in the heart of Europe, it’s no wonder that Germany consistently ranks as one of the most popular countries in the world in which to study. In fact, Germany has been ranked as the fourth most popular destination for international students in the world (after the US, UK and Australia). Learn what opportunities await you for graduate studies in the land of ideas.

Did you know

- Most degree programs at top-ranked institutions charge little to no tuition fees
- Many degree programs are now taught in English
- Germany has attractive job opportunities for young people and has a high ranking in work-life balance
- Germany’s position as a European powerhouse means that many of its universities offer great job prospects – in fact, a lot of foreign students love the country so much that they choose to continue living in Germany after their studies. What’s more, Germany can be a relatively inexpensive country to study in, as a lot of programs have little to no tuition fees for both domestic and international students.

The Germany Grad Fair 2021 is your pass to explore the exciting opportunities for research, funding, and career advancement through graduate studies in Germany!

At the event, you will have the opportunity to talk to U.S. alumni, representatives of German universities, funding organizations and the German Consulat about programs, financial support and career opportunities.

Register here.